Pink Toed Tarantula Care: Everything You Need To Know

Pink Toe Tarantula

To better appreciate the given topic, let us first dispel the wrong notion about tarantulas. The common belief of people is that tarantulas are poisonous creepy creatures that often times used to slowly kill people as in the movies. This narrative came about probably because of a traditional storyline in the early history of people … Read more

What Causes A Snake To Eats Itself?

Why Do Snakes Eat Themselves

You may have heard that snakes do sometimes eat themselves but dismissed the fact, thinking it cannot possibly be true. The vision of such an act leaves a mark that you may never want to explore again. However, what you have heard is entirely factual and interesting. If you are a snake owner, this information … Read more

Lavender Corn Snake: Everything You Need To Know

Lavender Corn Snake

Lavender corn snakes are quickly growing more popular due to their unique and beautiful colors, along with their docile nature. Although corn snakes are often confused with coral snakes, this is not a problem for lavender com snakes. They are a morph from regular corn snakes, or in other words, their special colors are due … Read more

How To Breed Ball Pythons

How To Breed Ball Pythons

Ball pythons (Python regius) are one of the most popular species of snake available in pet stores today. However, it is often difficult to obtain this species due to its extreme popularity. When bred in captivity they almost always produce live young rather than eggs. This makes them an obvious choice for someone who wishes … Read more