What Causes A Snake To Eats Itself?

Why Do Snakes Eat Themselves

You may have heard that snakes do sometimes eat themselves but dismissed the fact, thinking it cannot possibly be true. The vision of such an act leaves a mark that you may never want to explore again. However, what you have heard is entirely factual and interesting. If you are a snake owner, this information … Read more

Lavender Corn Snake: Everything You Need To Know

Lavender Corn Snake

Lavender corn snakes are quickly growing more popular due to their unique and beautiful colors, along with their docile nature. Although corn snakes are often confused with coral snakes, this is not a problem for lavender com snakes. They are a morph from regular corn snakes, or in other words, their special colors are due … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pepper?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bell Pepper

When we hear the word pets, we usually think of cats, fish, rabbits, or dogs. However, some choose to have reptiles as their pets. One of which is a Bearded Dragon, a type of lizard, not a dragon as the name suggests, and can be considered a gentle pet, especially for those new to having … Read more

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries

Bearded dragons, also referred to as beardies, are reptiles that can be distinguished by the spines on their chins and necks. Depending on their mood, these spines may puff out when they are upset, thus the “beard” in their names. While they are considered omnivores (animals who consume both plants and meat), bearded dragons tend … Read more

How Long Can Snakes Survive Without Food?

How Long Can A Snake Go Without Eating

There are more than 3,000 species of snakes that are on the planet. They survive in all different areas but there are a few exceptions. These locations are Iceland Ireland, Antarctica, New Zealand, and Greenland and snakes cannot survive in them. There are about 600 species that are venomous and they are able to kill … Read more

Brumation Bearded Dragon: A Complete Guide

Bearded Dragon Brumation

Bearded Dragon Brumation? Is this some mythical winged creature, rocking a beard like Merlin? What else would you picture mentally when you hear it? “Bearded Dragon Brumation”? The truth is, you’re probably here because you’re going through your first “Bearded Dragon Brumation” as you read this article. But whether you’re an experienced or novice beardie … Read more