Bearded Dragon Glass Surfing: How To Prevent It

Bearded dragons are lizards that are native to Australia. They get their name from the spiny “beard” on their chin, which is used to intimidate other dragons and ward off predators. These lizards are also known for “glass surfing,” where they will run across the top of a glass enclosure at high speeds.

Glass surfing is a popular behavior among bearded dragons and is often done for exercise or entertainment. Bearded dragon glass surfing is a relatively safe activity, but there are a few things you’ll need to do to prepare for glass surfing.

Bearded Dragon Glass Surfing
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What Is Glass Surfing?

Bearded Dragon glass surfing
Bearded Dragon glass surfing

Glass surfing is a term used to describe the popular pastime of riding on the back of a moving glass panel. The activity is often enjoyed by those who own bearded dragons, as it provides them with an opportunity to move around and explore their surroundings. In addition, glass surfing can be a fun way to bond with your pet bearded dragon.

There are a few things you should know before you and your bearded dragon take to the glass. Here are some tips to get you started.

1. Choose the correct type of glass.

Bearded dragons are attracted to smooth, transparent surfaces, so it’s important to use a glass panel that is free of scratches and imperfections.

2. Make sure the glass is clean.

Bearded dragons are very clean creatures and will not hesitate to walk on dirty surfaces.

3. Provide your bearded dragon with a safe place to land.

Be sure to place a soft towel or blanket at the end of the glass panel to prevent your bearded dragon from injuring itself if it falls off.

4. Start slow and increase the speed gradually

Bearded dragons are not used to moving quickly, so it’s important to start slowly and increase the speed gradually.

5. Be patient and have fun!

Remember, glass surfing is supposed to be a fun activity for both you and your bearded dragon. If your bearded dragon isn’t enjoying it, don’t force it to continue.

6. Keep an eye on your bearded dragon.

As with any activity, it’s important to keep an eye on your bearded dragon while it’s glass surfing. If you notice any signs of distress, stop the activity immediately.

With these tips in mind, you and your bearded dragon will be ready to hit the glass.

Reasons Why Do They Do It?

Reasons why do they do it?
Reasons why do they do it?

There are many reasons why your bearded dragon might enjoy glass surfing. The following are fifteen of the most common reasons:

1. They’re curious about nature and want to explore their surroundings.

Bearded dragons are naturally curious creatures. They want to know what’s going on outside and what’s happening in their environment. When they see something new, they can’t help but investigate it.

2. They’re attracted to the heat.

Bearded dragons basking in the sun are a common sight. They love basking in the warm rays of the sun. So, when they see the glass, they’re attracted to the heat it emits.

3. They want to escape.

Sometimes, bearded dragons glass surf because they want to escape. They might be trying to get away from something that’s bothering them or they might be trying to escape their enclosure.

4. They’re bored.

Bearded dragons glass surf because they’re bored. If they don’t have anything else to do, they might start glass surfing just for something to do.

5. They’re seeking attention.

In some cases, bearded dragons glass surf because they’re seeking attention. If they feel like they’re being ignored, they might start glass surfing in an attempt to get noticed.

6. They want food.

If your bearded dragon sees you eating, it might start glass surfing in an attempt to get some food.

7. They’re trying to mate.

If a male bearded dragon is glass surfing, he’s probably trying to mate. He’s looking for a female to mate with and he thinks the glass is a good place to find one.

8. They’re sick.

Sometimes, bearded dragons glass surf because they’re sick. If they have a respiratory infection or some other type of illness, they might start glass surfing in an attempt to get rid of the mucus that’s clogging their lungs.

9. They have parasites.

In some cases, bearded dragons glass surf because they have parasites. The parasites might be causing them to itch or they might be making them feel uncomfortable.

10. They’re stressed.

Bearded dragons can get stressed just like humans. If they’re feeling stressed, they might start glass surfing as a way to release that stress.

11. They’re shedding.

Bearded dragons glass surf when they’re shedding. They do this in order to help remove the old skin that’s peeling off.

12. They have a calcium deficiency.

If your bearded dragon has a calcium deficiency, it might start glass surfing in an attempt to get more calcium.

13. They’re trying to cool down.

The Bearded dragon’s glass surf to cool down. If they’re too hot, they might start glass surfing in an attempt to lower their body temperature.

14. They have a neurological disorder.

In some cases, bearded dragons glass surf because they have a neurological disorder. This can cause them to act strangely and do things they wouldn’t normally do.

15. They’re on drugs.

Sometimes, bearded dragons glass surf because they’ve been given drugs. These drugs can cause them to act strange and do things they wouldn’t normally do.

Can Glass Surfing Hurt Them?

Can glass surfing hurt them?
Can glass surfing hurt them?

Yes, glass surfing can hurt your bearded dragon. If they fall off the glass, they can injure themselves. It can be dangerous for your bearded dragon. The following are some of the risks associated with glass surfing:

1. They can injure themselves.

Bearded dragons can injure themselves while glass surfing. They can cut themselves on the glass or they can hurt themselves if they fall off the glass.

2. They can break their tail.

If your bearded dragon breaks their tail while glass surfing, it can be very painful for them. In some cases, it can even cause paralysis.

3. They can break their legs.

If your bearded dragon breaks their legs while glass surfing, it can be very painful for them and it might prevent them from being able to walk properly.

4. They can get stuck.

Bearded dragons can get stuck while glass surfing. If they’re stuck, they might not be able to get down and they could end up injuring themselves.

5. They can overheat.

If your bearded dragon glass surfs for too long, it could overheat. This can be very dangerous for them and it can even lead to death.

6. They can drown.

If your bearded dragon glass surfs in an enclosure that has water in it, it could drown. Bearded dragons can’t swim and they can’t hold their breath for very long.

7. They can ingest glass.

If your bearded dragon breaks the glass while glass surfing, it could ingest the glass. This can be very dangerous for them, and it could cause them to get sick.

8. They can develop diseases.

Suppose your bearded dragon comes into contact with bacteria or parasites while glass surfing. It could develop a disease. These diseases can be very dangerous for your bearded dragon, and they can even be deadly.

9. They can get lost.

Suppose your bearded dragon gets stuck on the other side of the glass while glass surfing. It could get lost. This is especially true if you have a large enclosure.

10. They can die.

Glass surfing is a dangerous activity, and it can even lead to death. If your bearded dragon glass surfs, they could die from injuries, drowning, or overheating.

11. They can stress themselves out.

Glass surfing can be a very stressful activity for your bearded dragon. If they do it too often, it can lead to health problems.

12. They can become addicted.

Bearded dragons can become addicted to glass surfing. If they’re addicted, they might not be able to stop, and they could end up doing it too often. This can lead to health problems.

13. They can become aggressive.

Bearded dragons that glass surf can become aggressive. If they’re aggressive, they might start biting or attacking people.

14. They can spread diseases.

If your bearded dragon has a disease, it could spread it to other animals or people if it glass surfs. Diseases can be very dangerous, and they can even be deadly.

15. They can hurt other animals.

If your bearded dragon glass surfs and hits another animal, they could hurt them. This is especially true if the other animal is smaller than your bearded dragon.

Glass surfing can be dangerous for your bearded dragon. If they glass surf, they could injure themselves, break their tail, break their legs, get stuck, overheat, drown, ingest glass, develop diseases, get lost, die, stress themselves out, become addicted, become aggressive, spread diseases, or hurt other animals.

How To Stop Bearded Dragons From Glass Surfing?

How to stop bearded dragons from glass surfing?
How to stop bearded dragons from glass surfing?

Stopping your bearded dragon from glass surfing can be difficult, but it’s important to try. If you don’t stop them, they could hurt themselves or even die. Doing this might be hard, but it will be worth it to keep your bearded dragon safe.

If you don’t want your bearded dragon to glass surf, there are a few things you can do to stop them. The following are some tips on how to stop bearded dragons from glass surfing:

1. Provide them with a safe place to glass surf.

If you provide your bearded dragon with a safe place to glass surf, they’ll be less likely to glass surf in an unsafe area. You can create a safe glass surfing area by putting a piece of glass in its enclosure.

2. Remove anything they can climb on.

If you remove anything your bearded dragon can climb on, it won’t be able to get to the top of the glass. This will prevent them from being able to glass surf.

3. Provide them with calcium supplements.

If you provide your bearded dragon with calcium supplements, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Calcium is necessary for their bones, and if they don’t have enough calcium, they might start glass surfing.

4. Provide them with a heat lamp.

If you provide your bearded dragon with a heat lamp, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Heat lamps help keep them warm, and if they’re too cold, they might start glass surfing.

5. Give them something to do.

If you give your bearded dragon something to do, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. You can give them toys, or you can take them out of their enclosure and let them explore.

6. Glass surf with them.

If you glass surf with your bearded dragon, they’ll be less likely to glass surf by themselves. This is because they’ll see that it’s something you do and they’ll want to do it with you.

7. Reward them for not glass surfing.

If you reward your bearded dragon for not glass surfing, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. You can reward them with food, or you can praise them.

8. Try to keep them calm.

If you try to keep your bearded dragon calm, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons tend to glass surf when they’re excited or scared, and if you can keep them calm, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

9. Don’t put them in situations where they might glass surf.

If you don’t put your bearded dragon in situations where they might glass surf, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. This means that you should avoid putting them near glass or in enclosures with water.

10. Supervise them.

If you supervise your bearded dragon, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. This is because you’ll be able to stop them if they start to glass surf and you can also keep an eye on them so that they don’t get hurt.

11. Be patient.

If you’re patient with your bearded dragon, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons take time to adjust to new environments and if you’re patient with them, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

12. Use positive reinforcement.

If you use positive reinforcement with your bearded dragon, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Positive reinforcement means that you reward them for good behavior and this will help them not glass surf.

13. Try different food.

If you try a different food with your bearded dragon, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons sometimes glass surf because they’re bored of their food and if you try different food, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

14. Change their environment.

If you change your bearded dragon’s environment, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons sometimes glass surf because they’re bored of their environment and if you change it, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

15. Get them a friend.

If you get your bearded dragon a friend, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons sometimes glass surf because they’re lonely and if you get them a friend, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

16. Take them to the vet.

If you take your bearded dragon to the vet, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons sometimes glass surf because they’re sick and if you take them to the vet, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

17. Give them time to adjust.

If you give your bearded dragon time to adjust, it’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons sometimes glass surf because they’re not used to their new environment and if you give them time to adjust, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

18. Be consistent.

If you’re consistent with your bearded dragon, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons sometimes glass surf because their environment is inconsistent and if you’re consistent with them, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

19. Give them attention.

If you give your bearded dragon attention, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons sometimes glass surf because they’re bored and if you give them attention, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

20. Try different things.

If you try different things with your bearded dragon, they’ll be less likely to glass surf. Bearded dragons sometimes glass surf because they’re bored and if you try different things, they’ll be less likely to glass surf.

How To Stop Bearded Dragons From Glass Surfing


In conclusion, bearded dragons are capable of glass surfing. This behavior is most likely a result of their natural curiosity and desires to explore their surroundings. While it may seem like a dangerous activity, glass surfing is relatively safe for bearded dragons if they are supervised by their owners.

If you have any questions about this topic, please feel free to leave a comment below and I will be happy to answer them.

So, there you have it! Bearded dragons can glass surf and it’s actually not as dangerous as it may seem

About Rencel Leyran